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Nowhere to Go, Nothing to Do
  • Calme
  • Ease
  • Craft Cocktails

Nowhere to Go, Nothing to Do

Is there a tastier treat than an evening engagement unexpectedly canceled? A slice of time has been returned to its rightful owner, and, too, delivered without any expectation to be ‘used wisely.’ Tomorrow, the wheel of commitments and catch-ups will resume its trivial spin, but for now, it is a choose-your-own non-adventure: the more menial, the more meaningful. So! Let us raise a glass to the last-minute cancellers, the flakey flakes, and those who, it turns out, are ‘unfortunately going to have to stay at work late.’ This is not spare time, it’s stolen time. It’s time off-piste. Time outside of time. Do with it what you please.


Aplós Calme or Ease

  • Calme
  • Ease

2 oz.

Fresh watermelon juice

3 oz

Agave nectar

2 tsp

Fresh lemon juice

1/2 oz


Add all ingredients to an ice-filled shaker and shake. Strain into a coupe glass or flute. Garnish with a slice of watermelon, lime, or whatever you please.